Monday, March 26, 2012

Last Week

Last week in Southeast Michigan was unseasonably HOT!

Too Damn Hot, frankly!  It isn't supposed to be 86 humid degrees on March 21st. 
It's supposed to be 45 degrees.  Maybe 50.
So while the grass was growing out of control and signs of dandelions were everywhere -
I admit...I was sweating.  At dusk on my patio, being bitten by misquitos was unpleasant and my thoughts turned to boating....getting out on the water to cool off on such a hot (summer's) night.

Yep...I could cool off in this baby reeeeeeeeal fast,
thank you. 

Since last week, the weather has returned to normal.

We'll wait for this baby.
But we WILL have our way with him
this summer.....ah, yes we will.