Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What is it about the cars we drive?

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Someone asked me today if I was feeling badly about
giving up the Cadillac.

Giving up - as in - the lease is up and it's turn in time?
No. That was the deal.
"Yeah, but isn't driving a truck a step down"?

Fuck no, lady!  It's about 2 steps higher to get in the dang thing!

Status Symbols? 
Is society still rating us based on our wears and wares?
Gee, that's unfortunate.

I know a real ass of a horrible person that drives this

 I know the nicest person in the world that drives this

We need to go back to basics and stop judging these books by their covers - again!

PS: I love you, little Red Truck Driver!!!  :)

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