Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30th - Month End:

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on your mark......get set......

and Lord...give us Strength!

* * * * *

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6/29...just two more days of this hysteria...

* * * * *

you know work is busy if you
- don't have time to eat
- don't have time to pee
- and don't dare get up from your computer as
there may be something there on fire
that needs immediate attention

and when you've put in the extra hours
your eyes are bleeding
and you ask yourself 'why'?

It's simply another month end.

* * * * *
artist: hyperboleandahalf

Monday, June 28, 2010

Proactive Month End

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Yes, we'll set'em on fire the next three days....

It's just important that we have the right Salve!!!

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Decisions -

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Road trip to the big Brick Store this weekend...
choosing brick for front porch/walk/steps remodel.

if it were a choice of two, I'd have no problem.
my fear is, a choice of one hundred and two.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Challenge -

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I need this.

If only to feel powerful in bed.

“Threatening Pillow” from Etsy seller Johnny Vintage.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday ~

* * * * *

Ah, yes:

but don't let this sweetness fool you...
If I weren't so tired, there would be another
post about something oil spill related.

I just don't have the energy to rant-on about it
this morning... happy Friday.

But my opinion and I WILL be back.

* * * * *

Thursday, June 17, 2010

More talk -

* * * * *
more meetings

more conferences

more money into an escrow account

more meetings

we need to see more ACTION pictures like this
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


* * * * *

I just don't understand this.
I can't get my arms and my head around immobilization.

WWHAT are they waiting for.
Stop talking.
Stop meeting.
Stop Senate hearings
and Congress beatings.

There's time enough for that
AFTER the clean up.

Plug. Clean. Skim. Sift. Go.

Just go help, Bountiful Profits

* * * * *

Monday, June 14, 2010

Back to Work Monday

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...I'd like a little credit for trying...

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spreading Angst on Facebook

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"So where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts?? Where
are the TV benefits with celebrities and musicians
giving heart felt speeches
on the poor fishermen, wildlife, beaches, loss of income
and sabotaged gulf economy??
I find it rather strange how these people
(including our own government)
are so quick to help Haiti and other countries,
but sit on their asses for this one."

from Melissa ->-from her friend.

Social Media!
THIS is the positive side of spreading
information and sharing thoughts.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just an observation...

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you know a few that should be headless
right about now, don't you?

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sharing Success

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When you've worked at something so hard -
especially this computer world...
and you figure it out -
all by yourself,

you need a HIGH FIVE.
but you're alone

I love smart funny people
via canadianboyfriend
* * * * *

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mel Brooks - The Critic

PS: Besides Lewis Black (hysterically funny Jewish man),
Mel Brooks can make me pee my pants!

via my ever resourceful nagonthelake

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


* * * * *
Sometimes it's not about your schooling
or your professional courses
or your level of intelligence.

Sometimes - all it is,

is your confidence
and your ability to balance

Just juggle for a bit
and it all falls back into place
where it's supposed to be

...and yes,
it is THAT simple.

* * * * *

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back to Work Monday ~ No...It's Tuesday

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That was a nice, long, Memorial Day weekend.

Did so much over the past three days
I can hardly remember
what it is
we do
for a living
around here.

oh ya.
I remember now.
And it's June.


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