Wednesday, March 31, 2010


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"Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring? "

-- Neltje Blanchan

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In An Unsettled Business Environment...

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I received an employment referral from a friend.
I talked to the prospective team player on Friday
I received her resume on Saturday
I read it on Sunday
I interviewed her on Monday
I hired her before Noon.

pic via vol.25
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Back to Work Monday ~

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loooooooovvve mondays

art via vol.25

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Friday, March 26, 2010

To Round Out the Work Week

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A smile is so universal that it can communicate even when words cannot.
A smile can open doors, it allows another person to know you like them, and your smile makes you more approachable to anyone.
Science has proven that when you smile as well as when you laugh that it releases endorphins and makes you feel better.
So, even if you are frustrated, upset, sad or blue, you can change those feelings several notches once you smile.
When you smile, it brightens your eyes and face...people will want to be with you rather than trying hard to avoid you.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quotable Shit Show

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Here's the Quote of the Afternoon,
made by a very observant, expressive co-worker:


I laughed 'till I nearly pee'd as it was so true and
I immediately had to envision what that might
look like in photos
(it's how my head works):




shit. sand. can't see. blurry vision. burning eyes. headache. foggy air. buzzing heads. vertigo.
nausea. paralyzed.

God - we could sure use a day's relief around here.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We All Needed This Today...

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We were all trying so hard.
We were working fast, cautious but furious.
And the 'hits just kept on 'comin'.

The request from clients so far out in left field
we wanted to ask them if they read English?

And when they read it, did they understand it? about...
"oh, I don't look at it - I just sent it to you" and then:
"so what are you going to do to fix it now"?

What are WE going to do?????

We're going to take a deep breath,
teach you
hold you hand
show you how
and all we want in the end...

maybe 'thank you'?

Ok...never mind...
I'll just try to find these totes for all of us.

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via wearewildhorses

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to Avoid Talking to People

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(click to enlarge and enjoy)

by Jim Tierney
an Illustrator currently studying at UArts in Philadelphia.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Back to Work Monday - Start Over

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New Week
Old Ideas
Start Over

Try Again
What Can It Hurt

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring - Twenty Ten

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Saturday, March 20 - in the Northern Hemisphere

In the US and Canada:
Saturday, March 20, at approximately midnight is the official first day of spring for 2010 in the Northern Hemisphere (Vernal Equinox).

First day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere

In general, the four seasons correspond to the relative position of the sun to the earth. Meteorological determination of spring is calculated according to when the sun passes through the equatorial plane. When going from winter to spring, the sun is moving north; as soon as the sun crosses the equator, we call it spring. (This applies to places north of the equator.)

Wooooo Hooooo!!!

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Plans

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Rumor has it we're leaving the 70's of the past few days and back down to 20's and 30's
this weekend....

Besides the standard weekend chores and jaunts,
I'm thinking a spring fire may be in order...

Couple of marshmallows - Chianti - Ahhhhhh

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Thursday, March 18, 2010


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I don't usually have such difficulty with time changing...

but for some reason I "feel" the stolen time from my day;
I feel like I'm running and
can't catch up...

I can't wait for more sun in the morning and later than 7:30 at night...

I'm just sayin...

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ireland ~ Nature's Artwork

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March 17, 2010

If you have a better word than 'awesome',
please send it to me.

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photos by various artists at pixdaus

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Celebrating My Little Piece of Ireland

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photos via Nat Geo

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Daylight Savings Time

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What miserable
decided to form a
Clock Committee of the Country
and make a law that decided:
by the time it started staying lighter later in the evening
and we could finally see our garage doors when we got home,
we would have to turn forward the clocks
on a certain day in Spring,
loose an hour's sleep,

and while we're still trying get the morning dew out of our heads,
have to revert to

...until the Earth turns on it's axis such
that we can then see daylight in the morning
so the chickens and and farmers can get their ass up
and be on the "road" by 5 am.

I simply don't like being robbed of time and sunlight.

And I didn't vote for a soul on that dam Clock Committee.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Couldn't Come Any Sooner...

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... Outa Here ...

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Game

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If you're not one of the few that understands this post,
it's ok...
Not only are you not missing much...
be glad you're not in this particular game.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Give Me Those Orders Earlier.....Or Else...

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...or else, I'll have to become a Blonde and get Botox lips.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wait! Don't get all "ya well" on me...

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Just call it VINTAGE and say it's CUTE!

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Back to Work Monday

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I think the reason we're getting so bruised lately is that we're not
property protected

think this suit of armor might work?

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Friday, March 5, 2010

They chopped off an appendage

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When the city cut down our beautiful front yard tree
which was part of the entrance to our old, charming
tree lined street

they took away our part of the 'family' that had all
grown up together.

So Bare - So Empty...

I'll now drool and adore tree lined pathways
and streets even more.

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