Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do Over...

I have no idea where this is going. The 'old' blog ended because a traveling bouquet was just plain dumb. Now...maybe I don't have anything of great importance to say or stories to tell or experiences to share....but I recently got a photo of a field of flowers from a friend (that's alot of f-words) living in France and I thought, 'hmmm...we have pretty snapshots right here in mitten Michigan....hell, I have a few in my own backyard' ...so...
This blog may end up being about my backyard. Small - but significant to me. Or maybe it will evolve into something dynamic. Or, probably something somewhere in between.

We'll see.

Warning: I'm sure I'll use profanity. I like to swear. We'll certainly laugh. I LOVE to laugh. Or...at least I will laugh and if you do too, that's because you appreciate a funny person. If you don't laugh, you need not visit here again.
And some things may cause us to say 'awww'...or even cry.... maybe this blog will take on the human element. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...who am I kidding!

this one clearly freeze bitten...poor thing.

this rhodie however, thrived. beauty.

pots of petunias....purple...whites...

BIG pot of purple petunies...reminds me of Grandmaw.


Some people go home after work to chores: dinner, cleanup, walk the dog(s), pay bills, shovel horse shit: I sit on a squishey rocker listening to a waterfall.

Life does not suck in my backyard.


Why did I get orange and red? I'm a purple/pink/white/pale yellow girl.

Ask Zoe: "did you see the squirrel up there?" and she'll look. I think she's gifted.

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And then...there's the walker thing. My mother HATED it, even tho she alone was as wobbly as a wind-up toy and needed the security. Her pride made her hand paint the dam thing - that made it cooler, you see.

I, on the other hand, will have NO PROBLEM using such equipment if needed. Snap! This is a cool wheelie-thingey:

cruise & sit a spell - like it.

cruise to party store. sit a spell. pick up a six-pack and some smokes. groovy.

cruise to the grocer. sit a spell. pick up bread, wine and cheese. some grapes. cruise to edward hines. party down.

AND one can beef up their wheelie and modify it. they sell PARTS - LIKE a hip replacement.

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or...there's the Tenessee Walker No.1

...or No. 2...

...I like No. 3...you?

OR: There's Mr. Mustard and his WALKIES - Doris included.

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hopefully this page is cleared of those irritating Christmas Trees. Well...they're irritating in JUNE!

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AND...if they still appear on this page - ignore them.


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