Friday, April 30, 2010


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Weekend Without Work

Hot dog and a beer?

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Uniform - I think it's Necessary


We wouldn't hurt ourselves as we bump into walls.
No brain damage tripping over someone that has left
an open bottom drawer of a file cabinet...
No cuts or bruises when we're walking at warp speed
and into each other around blind corners.

Yep. I think this is the ticket.
Not one of our office blokes roller blades,
but I still think we need these.

After every morning meeting: "suit up"!


found at
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday ~

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So....that's the plan.
Now let's get to work.......


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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gambling - or - Selling Your Home on Your Own

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FISBO -Fizzbo
but actually F.S.B.O
For Sale By Owner

So: a Seller called today asking if she could "count on"
the buyer's lender being able to make the projected
April 30th closing date;
that she, and the buyer, some attorneys, a moving van,
children's babysitters, the phone disconnect, the utilities turn over,
you name it -
everyone needs to be able to PLAN
on a date.

Can she "expect" or "BET ON" that date?
It hit me.
After the mortgage melt-down and financing being so difficult to get,
none of the players can to anything but gamble.
Roll the dice and hope.

In an e-mail, I tried to soothe her fears; jitters.
the more I rambled on,
the scaredier I got!

Geez! How does anyone buy, sell or move
real estate today?

I'm sure glad from our perspective that we
don't have to place any bets!

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Back to Work Monday ~

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Yes. This will be the lead page of our

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Friday, April 23, 2010

It's Friday...

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Irish Hills

Remember Mystery Hill?
Where water ran UPhill and
you could stand at a 45 degree angle
without falling over...???

o u t a h e r e

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just yet another way to help EARTH DAY

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When something NATURAL or ORGANIC looks like it
should be as sold as the truth:
"tastes like tree bark"
"as quenching as putrid well water",
spare me.

But this....this I think we'll try.
In honour of Earth Day.
Yep. That's our excuse!

Found is the first carbon neutral juice company in the world. It's 100% organic, pure fruit – no additives or preservatives. The intent of the bottle design was to mimic those thoughts with no front or back, making it as transparent as the juices. {via The Lovely Package}

via design crush

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earth Day 4.22.10 - Very Cool PUMA!!!

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I may just have to support them - what's another pair of tennies!

Monday, April 19, 2010

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Let's dust off those keyboards
and make some noise!!!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

TGIF - Need a Change of Scenery

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I'm not sure this is it...
it might be.
it's Friday.
stop asking me to make a decision
by the time I reach Friday.
I'm not capable.

But if we're going here,
I need to borrow some money.
via fffound
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Teamwork Works...

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I know this firsthand.
I witnessed it today.

Take a little load off your co-worker...willingly.

If they're on the team, they immediately make a commitment
to help you.

it works. and it feels really good.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


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But if Alice here knew how to balance the new HUD's
and could do all of them ... all day long,
I'd hire her and her bow in a New York second!
With benefits.

I say we boycott RESPA

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

someone said...

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to Work Monday ~

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I'm not sure about that 'misery loves company' idea. But then again, whether your business is in a brick and mortar office building...or your bedside, loosing the internet sucks. And there's not much difference between a nine-month old or our
IT folk. Thank God they're tenacious.

From the funniest lady ever,
Heather Armstrong of dooce:

Early morning troubleshooting

Marlo likes to help Jon when he wakes up to find that our Internet connection is not working. You won't be surprised to hear that she's not very gracious when it comes to dealing with customer service representatives.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Never Profess too Loudly

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Did I post yesterday that everything was going well...?

It's good that today is Friday;
many more days like yesterday and
I may have to give up
these games.

Bring back "Go Fish".

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eerily Good

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I can't put my finger on it.
It's better in the office.
Attitude Adjustment talks lately?
Addition to staff and the feeling that
help has finally arrived?
Maybe I changed too.

Whatever it is, it's good.

Yes, it is.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April Showers....

* * * * * know the rest.....

- find Lia's Prozac...

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bestest Monday - Synergism*

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We are all so excited because it's all a perfect match:

New Recruit
the way things just go together

The Perfect Work a human world, of course

*Interaction such that the total effect is larger than the sum of it's individual effects.

Great Addition to the Team!
Great Monday!!!

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Andy Won't Judge My Work...and Inferior Products

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It was arranged well over a week ago that this afternoon I would go visit my boyfriend. Andy is canine, a handsome Aussie, who's just had his last radiation treatment on his snout. Andy has had a voracious appetite and eggs have been a treat for him. So taking him some beautiful hard-boiled colored eggs with names on them was a no-brainer.

I don't even need to read the PAAS package directions. As I boil the eggs, I get out 6 coffee mugs, throw a color tab in each and go get the vinegar jug.
Just to check myself, I look at the box for the amount of vinegar and water for each cup.
WAIT: for pastel eggs - no vinegar - just water. Ok, cool...cuz since there's mostly boys on the farm, I want most of the eggs to be a pale robin's egg blue - so I put the blue and green color tab in the same cup. In goes the water. The fizzing should commence immediately - but it doesn't.
I'm patient - I stir each cup and go off to take some pics of new sprouts and buds around the back yard...

STILL - no each cup the water is barely colored - the 'color tab' is just hanging out on the bottom of the cup - so now I start the piercing act in each cup - I can break the tab, but no fizzing.

FINE. I ready the boiled eggs, now drained, for names...
WAIT. Where's the wax crayon to write names with on the eggs?
FINE. I'll just start the process knowing there's no names.

Forget the vinegar...remember, not used for 'pastels'.

Pastel? PASTEL???
You can barely tell anyone even wispered a color on these
unmarked eggs. How horrid. How ugly.
How embarassing - this is not a gift - this is a disaster.

Andy loves me.
Dogs are mostly colored blind and actually their color sight is already PASTEL.
and...dogs don't judge.
Andy couldn't care less about the shell of this food.

I can't wait to see him this afternoon and give him
this beeeeeaaaautiful gift.

Screw you PAAS.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Greetings ~

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Leo and Dorkas would like to wish you a

Very Happy Easter

and a Spring filled with wonderful fresh new green sprouts and shoots and buds
upon which to feast ~ ~ ~

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(sorry...Dorkas wanted her picture posted without Leo.......
we don't ask...
....whatever makes Dorkas

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1st, Twenty Ten

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First April Fool Prank Recorded ~ 1698

April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.

The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered.