* * * * *
I'm aggitated by this ongoing horrid heat.
I'm frustrated about the oil disaster in our precious Gulf.
and I'm REALLY done
with hearing what's going to happen
to another jailed spoiled rotten celeb.
I'm aggitated by this ongoing horrid heat.
I'm frustrated about the oil disaster in our precious Gulf.
and I'm REALLY done
with hearing what's going to happen
to another jailed spoiled rotten celeb.

Who gives a ratzass?
Dear media:
Can you leave her out of the nightly news and
insert something of VALUE?
And while you're at it,
delete Mel Gibson.
Thank you.
I gotta go get an ice cream cone.
* * * * *
Who gives a ratzass?
Dear media:
Can you leave her out of the nightly news and
insert something of VALUE?
And while you're at it,
delete Mel Gibson.
Thank you.
I gotta go get an ice cream cone.
* * * * *