Thursday, March 29, 2012


* * * * *

Did I mention when it got warm, and then cold - the furnace didn't work?
So I called a repairman.
He said the furnace was very VERY old.
I asked about the A/C since THAT is even MORE important to me.
He tested, and came back to report:
"it's dead, Ma'am".

As I suspected, since when the Builders moved it during the renovation, they did say it appeared to be an antique and may not work this year.  They were correct.

So...I am now the proud owner of a brand spanking new 96% effecient furnace
and A/C system.

I have no need to go to Florida again this year.
You've seen it once, you've seen it.
And...based on gas prices,
I won't be driving to San Francisco.

I think we'll be taking little road trips
alllllllllll over my beloved Michigan....
...and that's ok with me!