Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hint: the world's finest mental health therapy

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Find someone whose sense of humor you connect with.
Say anything. Make an observation. Make it funny.
They will laugh and expand the observation.
You will laugh.
Out loud. HaHaHa
You make further observations.
They are now laughing out loud and their face is red.
You are laughing so hard you start to cry and
you feel pressure on your bladder.
They continue the volley with further expansion
of the original thought
and you both are crimson red,
crying, gasping for air, flailing body parts
seeking oxygen.
When it's over, it was shared, it was exhausting
and mostly - it was exhilarating.
You can skip your shrink appointment this week.
You don't need it.
Thanks Peggy and Melissa -
I needed that!
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