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Friend Lynn, living in France, broke her foot and had several care takers. Her tale about this so so funny - so real - but this little piece, however, I love:
"I explained another time, that I wanted an apple salad. “Ok, Lynn!” I thought we had discussed the serving of fruit. But no. Malika peeled the apple and put it whole on my plate. (See attached picture.) Did you know that peeled apples are kind of slimy to hold and eat?"
Yes...they are...and I can't stop laughing.....!!!
and then this:
"Malika also corrects my pronunciation when I speak French to her, and since she is Moroccan, I asked Genevieve if she had an accent, since I cannot tell.
“Oh, YES!” she laughed.
So now, since Malika is my only teacher, I will soon sound like an American trying to speak French like a Moroccan".
Ho, Geezzzzzz.........hahahahahaha!! Thanks Lynnie!
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