Monday, October 12, 2009

Scentsy Contribute Day 2009

This first picture can't make any sense until you watch the litte minute video and see the pic/story beneth. So There ;o).

So: Once the founders and employees decided they've enjoyed such success, they thought the directors, consultants, etc would enjoy being a part of giving back...

I decided to partake as long as 'giving back' was to an individual or family owned business wherein our "contribution" (MADE ON PURPOSE THIS DAY) would help them - they who we would otherwise not be visiting nor spending money in their store...

So: we chose JUST BAKED! Great bakery on Seven Mile in Lovely Livonia, Michigan. Tammy waited on us - she's not the owner, but so helpful and seemed slightly surprized about our mission...but pleased - and just kept packing up those gems of baby cakes in cupcake wrappers!

Yep - Melissa and I are displaying our purchases. Rumor has it this is also going on the Scentsy Corporate, man, I shoulda put the shades on my face instead of atop head!!!

Autumn and Meliss buying another boatload of cupper-cakes and they're going to share with their neighbors tonite. It's about GIVING today - we're in the spirit. Yes, I'm taking mine back to the office. The fatter everyone gets the better I look.

We kept little Tammy hoppin for awhile.

And, then: what's for lunch. So: did we go to the big box store (Wxxxmart) or grocer(Kxxxer)..? NOPE. Off we go to buy the indgredients for a nice salad and sandwiches and snacks from again, a local family owned business. There we told the cashier about our mission. She didn't seem as impressed as Tammy.

Actually, now I'm sorry I didn't ask for Joe himself. I'm sure "Clara the Cashier" couldn't have cared less. I wonder if she realizes our purchases are her paycheck and her bosses success. hmm.

Regardless, I made Melissa raise her groceries in a victory stance. We did good today.

Here's my guess: when we arrive back at the office, we'll put the salad/sandwich stuff in the fridge and have a cup cake sampling. Let's see: 1/4 of 28 cupcakes equals 7 whole cupcakes. Yep: that'll be lunch!

Great Day!
Courtesy of my friend, a Scentsy Director and my Scentsy Consultant: